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Simple Search-Replace

Simple Search-Replace v1.08

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Simple Search/Replace is like a replacement for the Windows "containing text" option found in their search window. It is extremely fast and allows for the option of replacing that text with different text. There are many features of this free software such as backup support, command line support, case sensitivity, multiple file types, subdirectory support, result printing and saving and more. After searching or replacing the results tab will allow you to open the matched file(s) and view the contents as well as edit them.

After searching you will get a list of results. You have the option to save the results to a file, print them, delete all of the results, delete one result or just copy the location of the selected result to the clipboard.

Simple Search/Replace was designed for searching plain-ASCII text files, such as source code, TXT, HTML, batch files or any other text file you might have. Simple Search/Replace is a FREE software program. If you need to find and replace text, or just find text, this utility is a must have. It is significantly faster and easier to use than any other search and replace utility out there. Download Simple Search-Replace v1.08.

Fully Portable

  • No Installation Required - Runs directly from an .exe file or folder.
  • Self-Contained - Stores settings, configurations, and dependencies in its own folder.
  • No Registry Modifications - Doesn't change system settings or install drivers.
  • Portable Storage - Can be copied to a USB drive and used on multiple computers.
  • Leaves No Trace - Doesn't leave behind files or registry entries after use.

Command line options for Simple Search-Replace:

There is basic command line support to automate searching for text within files.

-p "[path]"
-t "[file types]"
-f "[find what]"
-r "[replace with what]"
-i include subdirs
-c case sensitive

search.exe -p "c:\windows" -t "*.htm" -f "Microsoft" -r "Micro$oft" -c -i

The quotes are ALWAYS required. All options must have spaces after them.

Not sure what a command line is or how to use it? See our Support FAQ

How to close Simple Search-Replace:

Click the File menu option and then choose Exit

To run Simple Search-Replace you are required to have:
Simple Search-Replace is compatible with these specific Windows operating systems:
Windows 11 Win 11
Windows 10 Win 10
Windows 9 Win 8
Windows 7 Win 7
Windows Vista Vista
Windows XP XP
Windows 2000 Win 2k
Windows NT NT
Windows ME ME
Windows 98 98
Windows 95 95